June 22, 2023

The 3rd edition of the annual conference of ANCP, the Italian national association of wealth advisors (Associazione Nazionale Consulenti Patrimoniali), was held in Milan at the beginning of June where 150 participants attended the event dedicated to the main pillars of wealth advisory, namely real estate, movable property and corporate assets.

The initiative was aimed to gather together all the professionals which are involved in the Italian wealth advisory sector for both individuals and companies, namely accountants, lawyers, notaries, financial advisors, real estate agents and business consultants. Their efforts were focused on discussing and subsequently proposing specific solutions that take into consideration the current and future needs of their clients.

For CC Fund Services (CCFS) this was a good networking opportunity to make contact with local professionals and to start exploring possible collaboration with the association in order to present the advantages offered by Malta in the setting up of private collective investment schemes, the ideal vehicles to manage both family assets and corporate liquidity.